my very first

i dedicate my very first post to “a small thing” which represents the strong relationship between me and someone else.

my engagement ring.

ps. the ring was designed in the shape of a knot, which in my view represents a close bond between two people. it is work of yasmin mirza-zadeh, an iranian-german jewelery designer, who in the loveliest way adapts oriental elements to western culture. i have it for almost a year now, and i’m still in love with it.

pps. photo taken from

5 thoughts on “my very first

  1. Pingback: my very first | ninichissim(art)

  2. Lovely post and breathtaking engagement ring…I am glad you’re doing this…it does not hurt to be constantly reminded that life IS about small things…like special engagement rings, an innocent baby smile, the smell of freshly baked bread…Good to see that ‘The God of small things’ inspired you :)

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